Marketing Emails – Creating Email Lists
Once you’ve completed the marketing email setup wizard, the ability to create email lists will appear on the Options page:
The email list editor functions similarly to all other lists. However, unlike other lists, you have the option to delete list items rather than merge them. There are also no “Default” list items.
After your lists are created, donors will be able to make their choices from the link in the signup email that is sent to them:
The Confirm Subscription Preferences link will lead the donor to this page:
You will also be able to add or remove donors from lists when editing their profile. This will let you opt donors into or out of hidden lists, such as members only newsletters.
Ordinarily, donors don’t have the choice to opt themselves into or out of “hidden” list items. However, if you add them to a hidden list, they will have the option to opt themselves out of that list on the communication preferences screen.
You may also do bulk additions of donors to lists or removals of donors from lists by using the Bulk Options when running a report.