Add a Campaign Thermometer (Progress Bar) to Donation Forms

When running a campaign with a target fundraising goal, it’s always a good idea to create a sense of urgency and provide clarity for how close you are to reaching your goal. As you get closer and closer, donors may be more motivated to help fill that gap if they see that you’re only a ...

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Grants Module Overview

This article will outline how to make use of the Grants module and how it’s connected to other parts of the platform. Grants Listing Similar to the donors listing, the Grants listing lets you filter, sort, and search for the grants in the system. Add new grants using the button in the upper right. Grants ...

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Creating Your Annual Donor List and/or Thank You Letter

Each year we need to create either a donor list for our website, a giving summary thank you letter, or both. This article will explain how you can accomplish this. Creating Your Giving Summary Letter Template First, if you will send a giving summary letter, you must create the proper letter template. Create your letter ...

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Creating Year-End Appeals

Once again it’s time for your organization to send out year-end appeals. When creating year-end appeals, it’s important to segment them so that not everyone receives the exact same letter. You don’t want to appear too impersonal, especially to those donors who have given frequently, given recently, or have given large gifts. As an example, ...

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Resolving Errors That Occur When Generating Your Letter

When creating your custom letter templates, occasionally you may encounter an error when generating a preview of the letter, or when generating the letter itself. These errors are usually caused by changes in the formatting of the letter interrupting the merge tags. Let’s look at some examples of common issues and then review how we ...

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Donation “Acknowledged To” Field

Gifts made in honor of, or in memorial of, someone are often brought about because the honoree is already a supporter of your organization. In addition to tracking the actual text of the honorarium (IE In Honor of Bob Adams), you can now connect the gift to the profile of the honoree using the Donation ...

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