Marketing Emails – Your Legal Responsibilities

**When sending marketing emails, there are additional legal responsibilities that you have to comply with. This article seeks to outline the basics. Consult an attorney for legal advice.** The CAN SPAM Act The primary law affecting your organization will be the CAN SPAM act. A compliance guide to help understand your legal responsibilities can be ...

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Marketing Emails – Creating Email Lists

Once you’ve completed the marketing email setup wizard, the ability to create email lists will appear on the Options page: The email list editor functions similarly to all other lists. However, unlike other lists, you have the option to delete list items rather than merge them. There are also no “Default” list items. After your ...

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Marketing Emails – Creating a Signup Form for Your Website

The best way to add donors to your email lists is to let them do it themselves. Once you’ve completed the Marketing Email Setup Wizard, the page will contain the link to the signup form: This will pop open the signup link in a new tab. In this tab, you simply need to copy and ...

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Using the Volunteer Portal

Beginning with Donor Wrangler version 17, all organizations are able to take advantage of the Volunteer Portal. This guide will take you through the steps of enabling the volunteer portal, as well as giving the basics of its use. Enabling the Volunteer Portal To enable the portal, go to the Options screen, and click the ...

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GDPR, CCPA and Other Privacy Laws

Privacy laws are rapidly changing, with countries and individual states taking steps to more clearly define both an individual’s rights, and a company’s responsibilities when it comes to protecting a user’s data. Much is still in flux, but it’s a good idea for organizations to take steps to comply with the strictest of these laws, ...

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Consent Checkbox for Forms

If you have any forms that collect data on your website, you should have a consent checkbox as part of the form that requires the user to acknowledge they have accepted the terms under which you will be processing their data as outlined in your Privacy Policy. Adding a Consent Checkbox to Your Form Follow these ...

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