Why You Need a Privacy Policy on Your Website

Many websites, by law, should have a Privacy Policy. (Consult an attorney to know for sure whether your site is required to have one or not.) Their purpose is to define for your visitors what data you collect, what you do with that data, and how long it is kept, among other things. What Data You Collect Basically ...

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Website Hosting with Donor Wrangler

Donor Wrangler offers website hosting for our customer’s sites, allowing you to take advantage of the same great customer service and support you already enjoy from us. Website Hosting Prerequisites: You must submit your website to us for a review before we agree to host it. We prefer to work with WordPress websites, but can ...

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Data Retention Policies for Your Website

In general, you shouldn’t plan on storing any personal data gathered through your website for an indefinite period of time. Thus, you should have a data retention policy and make adjustments so that any data your website collects is purged after a period of time. This information should also be reflected in your Privacy Policy. ...

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How to Setup iATS Payments Integration

We’re now happy to offer integration with iATS Payments, a payment processor focused on non-profit organizations. Visit our blog post to find more information about them. If you are an iATS customer, you can enable the iATS integration and begin syncing any received payments from their platform, including their donation forms. Enabling the Integration On the Options page, ...

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Enable Chariot’s Donor Advised Funds

We are thrilled to announce that Donor Wrangler customers can now seamlessly accept Donor Advised Fund (DAF) donations. This is thanks to our new partnership with Chariot! This integration will help our customers tap into an estimated $234 BILLION of charitable assets available. For more information, please refer to this blog post. For information on ...

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Major Moves Donor Management

Many organizations us a Moves Management process to cultivate large donors. Donor Wrangler is here to help you stay organized as you navigate this process with potential major donors. You can learn more about the benefits of using this feature in this blog post. How to Enable the Major Moves Management Click the⚙️icon at the ...

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